Good morning ! My name' is Melody, but for friends it'is Melo or Lomé! I was born on 21 March 199...
Good morning! My name is' Tiffany Bouelle, I am French-Japanese and I grew up in Paris. When I w...
Good morning ! My name is 'Alma Canovas, but for friends it'is Almita. I was born on May 30, 1987...
Hello! Je m'appelle Charlotte Schneider, mais for the friends it's Chacha. Je suis née le 11 ju...
Good morning ! My name is Mary, but for friends it's Marylou. I was born on October 20 in Paris....
Good morning ! My name is Delphine, but for friends it's Didi.I was born on January 21 (death of...
Good morning ! My name is Nathalie Rozborski, but for friends it's Natalia. I was born on Novemb...